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In which I ramble embarrassingly, in the hopes of not getting sued.

OK, here's the thing. All this shit is made up. That's right, it's completely ficticious. I don't mean these guys any harm, I'm not trying to slander their names or ruin their careers or imply anything other than the fact that I have an entirely overactive imaginiation. People express love in different ways. Some fans show their appreciation of you by sending you fanmail, or gifts, or camping outside your homes. I, however, make you the stars of my strange, porny, fucked-up world. Now I'm not saying you should take this shit as a compliment, but really it kinda is. Tolkien, NSYNC, whoever else I have slashed, I'm sorry, guys, if you feel you've been violated. I really didn't intend that. If it's any consolation I just drank some rancid milk and I feel pretty crappy, too.
However, the stories themselves, any plotlines and original characters, are my own, and if I find people plagiarising me I will be flattered, but mad. Really, really mad. Far too much time has gone into this junk. And I say that with a mixture of embarrassment and pride, which is confusing but there it is.
In conclusion;  people--not mine, stories-- mine. I am making no money off any of this. Have a good day, now.

Wanna take this further? e-mail me!